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Eliminating duplicates

Sometimes it may happen that you have the same data files in several directories spread all over the disk. The disk is filling up without containing more info ;-)

At first, you may try to delete the duplicates. But sometimes you sorted the files following different criteria, and it would not be nice to kill some files from inside this order. So I thought about a script that removes the files, but (by default) creates a link instead (it may create a symlink or no link at all, a deletion, controlled by parameters). So the default behaviour will keep the sorting, but reduce the used space on disk.

# find duplicate files in a given directory
# written 2008-05-17
# modified for subdir handling 2008-08-10
# added parameter handling 2008-08-16
# set -x
# default values for all operations
ACTION='HARD'  # create hard links
LNPARAM='--'   # parameters for the ln command
PATTERN='*'    # files to look at
DEPTH=1        # directory depth
SPEAK=1        # verbosity level
E_OK=0         # exit code
# why starting the getopts argument string with a colon?
# to answer, please read 'man getopts' :-)
while getopts ":d:hlp:qsuv" Option ; do
    case $Option in
        'd' ) DEPTH=$OPTARG                   ;;
        'h' ) show_usage ; exit $E_OK         ;;
        'l' ) ACTION='HARD' ; LNPARAM='--'    ;;
        'p' ) PATTERN=$OPTARG                 ;;
        'q' ) SPEAK=0                         ;;
        's' ) ACTION='SOFT' ; LNPARAM='-s --' ;;
        'u' ) ACTION='UN'                     ;;
        'v' ) SPEAK=2                         ;;
# now we look at the other parameters (if any)
shift $(($OPTIND - 1))
# if we still have a parameter, this will be the starting directory
# if the parameter is not given, it defaults to the current dir
# make sure we have a trailing slash
echo "$DIR" | grep '\/$' >/dev/null 2>&1 || DIR="$DIR/"
# temporary files
test -f "$OUTFILE" && rm -f "$OUTFILE"
test -f "$SORTFILE" && rm -f "$OUTFILE"
function show_usage() {
    echo 'This bash script tries to eliminate duplicate files in a directory.'
    echo 'En passant, it removes the "executable" flag from the examined files.'
    echo ' '
    echo "Usage: $(basename $0) [-d n] [-h] [-l] [-p pat] [-q] [-s] [-u] [-v] [startdir]"
    echo '       with the following meaning of the parameters:'
    echo '       -d n     set the search depth to n directories (n is numeric, default: 1)'
    echo '       -h       show this help'
    echo '       -l       hardlink the duplicates to a master (default action)'
    echo '       -p pat   give the search pattern fur duplicate files (default: *)'
    echo '                Please escape shell metacharacters, e. g. -p "\*.jpg"'
    echo '       -q       quiet, do not echo "examined" for each directory'
    echo '       -s       symlink the duplicates to a master instead of hardlink'
    echo '       -u       unlink the duplicates (= delete them)'
    echo '       startdir where to start searching the duplicates (default: current directory)'
    echo '       -v       verbose, tell each handled and compared file'
    echo ' '
function doonedir() {
    while read DAT ; do
#       MYDAT=$(echo "$DAT" | sed 's/[^\\] /\\ /g')
#       the script does not like^Wneed that... ;-)
        test -x "$MYDAT" && chmod a-x -- "$MYDAT"
        MYMD5=$(md5sum  -b -- "$MYDAT" | cut -d' ' -f1)
        MYSHA=$(sha1sum -b -- "$MYDAT" | cut -d' ' -f1)
        echo "$MYMD5 $MYSHA $MYDAT" >>"$OUTFILE"
    done < "$HELPFILE"
# get all subdirs to current dir
DIRLIST=$( find "$DIR" -maxdepth $DEPTH -type d | tr ' ' '#' | tr "\n" " ")
# set -x
for WDIR in $DIRLIST ; do
    # get all files in the current dir
    # Problem: may be too many files, so better store them in a help file
    WODIR=$(echo "$WDIR" | sed 's/#/\ /g')
    test -f "$HELPFILE" && rm -f -- "$HELPFILE"
    # just search in the current directory, don't use $DEPTH here!
    find "$WODIR" -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "$PATTERN" -fprintf "$HELPFILE" "%p\n"
    # now loop through the resulting file and compute MD5sum and SHA1sum
    # again, the result is put into a file
    doonedir "$HELPFILE"
    rm -f -- "$HELPFILE"
    test $SPEAK -ge 1 && echo "[$WODIR]: examined"
# sort the resulting file on MD5sum
rm -f -- "$OUTFILE"
# walk through the sorted file and compare MD5sums/SHA1sums
# when they are equal, echo this and delete one of them
while read MD SH FL ; do
    if [ "x$MD" = "x$OLD_MD" -a "x$SH" = "x$OLD_SH" ]; then
        test $SPEAK -eq 2 && echo "same MD5sum/SHA1sum for [$OLD_FL] and [$FL], deleting [$FL]"
        rm -f -- "$FL" && let "DELCOUNT += 1"
        test "$ACTION" != 'UN' && ln $LNPARAM "$OLD_FL" "$FL"
done < "$SORTFILE"
rm -f -- "$SORTFILE"
echo "Worked on $DELCOUNT duplicates, exiting now"
exit $E_OK

Many thanks to Mendel Cooper for writing the great Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide!

comp/en/deldup.txt · Last modified: 2012-03-08 07:18 by

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